10 Great Things Feature Image

10 ways to do great things for UAlberta Fine Arts – curious arts

10 Great Things Feature Image

How Fine Arts Alumni Can Become Arts Champions

Ten Great Ways To Do Great Things for UAlberta Fine Arts (Large)

Click on the image to download a pdf of the full infographic.

In the face of budget cuts and what will no doubt be challenging months ahead for all of the University of Alberta at large, our students and alumni from the U of A fine arts are proving to be vocal Faculty of Arts champions. Their passionate pleas to protect our programs have hit Twitter and the blogosphere, the radio air waves and been published in the Edmonton Journal. You are energized! Many times I’ve been asked by concerned alumni: “What can I do?” I know you are looking for concrete ways you can support our important creative activities and research. In response, Curious Arts has compiled a list of 10 Ways To Do Great Things for UAlberta Fine Arts.

~ Salena

10 Great Things Icon 1

1. Head back to campus to attend an art show.

If ever there were a moment to show that UAlberta fine arts matter to you, this is that moment. Your attendance at our performances and exhibits is a strong statement of your support for the critical role that University of Alberta artists and their artistic expressions play at the U of A.

This season, we’ve made it easier than ever for you to find what’s on by gathering the mainstage music, Studio Theatre and FAB Gallery event listings in one convenient place on-line at:
www.ualberta.ca/artshows .

10 Great Things Icon 22. Bundle up your ticket purchases and save money.

Every theatre and music ticket purchased is a loud proclamation that the fine arts are central to the University of Alberta’s promise of “Uplifting the Whole People;” to building an innovative and compassionate society in an increasingly complex 21st century.

Those of you in our cultural industries that regularly receive complimentary tickets, please consider buying a ticket this season instead. There are many affordable ways to take in a show:

Studio Theatre Flex Pass: 3 student tickets for $25 or 3 adult tickets for $48.
The Flex Pass punch card is available at the Timms’ box office and redeemable in any combination at any of the shows in the Studio Theatre season line-up.

Mondays are 2 for 1 at Studio Theatre.

Wednesday previews are $5 at Studio Theatre.

Mainstage UAlberta Music Season Flex Pass: 6 concert tickets for $60
Your flex pass entitles you to six concert tickets redeemable in any combination at any of the mainstage concerts in Convocation Hall and the Winspear. Get yours at www.yeglive.ca/ualbertamusic .

10 Great Things Icon 33. Tell the world why UAlberta fine arts matter to you.

Introduce a friend to the fine arts on campus. Share our event information on your Facebook page. Forward our e-newsletters to someone you think might be interested. Tweet and retweet. Fill out a Faculty of Arts postcard to express why the arts matter to you (available at the Faculty of Arts Dean’s Office  and the Undergraduate Student Services front desks on the 6th Floor of Humanities, the Arts CAPS office in HUB mall, the Timms box office, and the FAB Gallery).

Contribute as a guest blog post for Curious Arts. With Curious Arts the intention is to explore UAlberta artists’ processes and host a digital place where the three fine arts departments (students, alumni, faculty, staff) can collaborate and contribute content and spark engagement / conversation with the public about the creative work going on here. Email Salena Kitteringham, salena@ualberta.ca if you are interested.

10 Great Things Icon 44. Give a donation.

Your donation to the University of Alberta’s Departments of Music, Drama and Art & Design goes towards fine arts programs, performances, productions, and exhibits.

Inspire our students with scholarships and bursaries. Provide a safety net for students to access at crucial times during their academic year. Support student ensembles and groups. Invest in the renewal and acquisition of new equipment and technology. Bring master artists and lecturers to campus to share their expertise in the field. Enrich the research environment.

Gifts over $10 receive tax receipts. Every gift makes a difference. To arrange a gift, please contact your fine art department of choice directly or contact email Jane Potentier, Director of Advancement Faculty of Arts, jane.potentier@ualberta.ca .

10 Great Things Icon 55. Become an Alumni Ambassador.

Alumni Weekend 2013 was a tremendous success. For the first time, fine arts students and alumni volunteers from Music, Drama and Art & Design came together around our Fine Arts Tuck Shop table in the tent in Quad to promote our events to the alumni crowds. At one point, a small crowd formed around the fine arts table, captivated by a charming alumna from the class of ’63 that has stopped to share with us the love story of how she met her husband of 51 years here on campus. It was incredibly sweet to witness that inter-generational exchange of U of A memories. See photos from the Tuck Shop Fine Arts table

When Alumni weekend 2014 rolls around, I encourage you to please join us.

It was very energizing to hear the conversations between students from the fine art disciplines sparking ideas about new interdisciplinary possibilities. An interdisciplinary fine arts committee has since been formed…Stay tuned for boundary busting events popping up on campus.

Outside of Alumni weekend, you could start your own alumni event initiative. The possibilities for connecting UAlberta artists, ideas and activities are as endless as your imagination. Introduce yourself to UAlberta Alumni Council Faculty of Arts Representative Glenn Kubish and tell us your idea. We’ll help make it a reality.

10 Great Things Icon 66. Recruit the best and brightest

Volunteer to assist at the UAlberta Open House 2013 on Saturday, October 19th and share your U of A experience with prospective students and their parents. Arrange to visit a high school fine arts classroom and speak about your experience with our programs. Email Joanna Manchur, Fine Arts Recruiter joanna.manchur@ualberta.ca to find out more

10 Great Things Icon 77. Give an emerging UAlberta artist their first big break.

Hire a current student for a work experience term at your theatre organization or design firm. Pay a UAlberta musician to play at your next special event. Buy a piece of furniture or art at the upcoming VASA art auction November 23 in the Timms Centre for the Arts.

10 Great Things Icon 88. Proudly fly your UAlberta credentials.

As a proud University of Alberta Arts alumna myself, I was filled an immense sense of pride upon reading news of the study by University of Alberta professors Tony Briggs (‘95 BSc Hons) and Jennifer Jennings which estimates that University of Alberta alumni have collectively founded 70,258 organizations globally, creating more than 1.5 million jobs and generating annual revenues of $348.5 billion. Wow. Amazing!

From wherever you call home and do your great things, be counted as part of the UAlberta alumni family making a difference. Reference your U of A education in your professional bios, on your website, in performance programs, and exhibit catalogues. Hang your parchment on your studio or office wall. Customize your social media profiles, desktops and devices with a UAlberta avatar, Twibbon, or campus photo

10 Great Things Icon 99. Be a mentor.

Take a current student out for coffee or lunch. Answer their questions about your career path. Participate in the Arts Career Services programs through CAPS such as the Arts Career Mentorship program. Be a job shadow host during Reading Week. Arrange a Creative Career Crawl through your workplace. Participate on an alumni career panel / forum such as the Rapid Portfolio Review. Email Amber Nicholson, Faculty of Arts Career Development Officer amber.nicholson@ualberta.ca for more information.

10 Great Things Icon 1010. Stay Connected with UAlberta Fine Arts.

Subscribe to our e-newsletters. Follow us on social media. Read Curious Arts and the Faculty of Arts Work of Arts blogs. Update your alumni profile with Alumni relations. Tell us how we are doing. Tell us what you are up to. Actively engage in surveys. Participate in advisory committees and curriculum review processes.

Make it count. Share your volunteer story at alumni.ualberta.ca/volunteer so we can count it towards the Alumni Volunteer Challenge. Help the Alumni Association record 2,015 volunteer  experiences by the Alumni Association’s 100th anniversary in 2015.

Click on the teaser image below to download the full infographic in a printable pdf:

10 Great Things teaser Image

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