Go See Beyond Therapy To Discover Durang – curious arts

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the University of Alberta’s Department of Drama, the Curious Arts blog is sharing 50 Reasons to Go See A Play throughout the 2015-16 season. Here’s our second in a series of 50 Reasons to Go See A Play, by MFA directing candidate Brenley Charkow (‘98 BFA). U of A … Read moreGo See Beyond Therapy To Discover Durang – curious arts

Bashaw’s 15 for Piano – curious arts

When a group of five Canadian pianists commissioned Howard Bashaw to compose a new work, the University of Alberta music prof jumped at the chance. “A project of this scope doesn’t come along very often,” explains Bashaw. “It was a special project to have a group of five well-known pianists on the international stage co-commission … Read moreBashaw’s 15 for Piano – curious arts

Bone Cage draws out UAlberta talent – curious arts

Catherine Banks’ 2008 Governor General award-winning play, Bone Cage, presented by Edmonton’s Theatre Yes from now until Oct. 4, features a host of UAlberta talent in the cast and creative team. Neil Kuefler Neil Kuefler (’14 BFA) and Alyson Dicey (’12 BFA) are playing the leads with recent stage management graduate Kate Quinn-Feehan (’15 BFA) … Read moreBone Cage draws out UAlberta talent – curious arts

SubArctic Improv and Experimental Arts – curious arts

New interdisciplinary series kicks off September 10th at Mile Zero Dance’s Spazio Performativo SubArctic Improv and Experimental Arts is a new series of shows featuring improvising artists, held at Mile Zero Dance’s Spazio Performativo in Little Italy. The original idea came from MZD’s Artistic Director and UAlberta Drama grad, Gerry Morita (‘12 MFA), who asked … Read moreSubArctic Improv and Experimental Arts – curious arts